SEZONA bundeva u punom je jeku i sigurni smo da znate hrpu recepata s bundevama, od juha do raznih umaka i kolača, no jeste li već probali napraviti njoke od bundeve - u obliku bundeve? Ovaj hit s društvenih mreža izgledat će nevjerojatno estetično na vašem tanjuru, a njoke u obliku bundeve puno je jednostavnije napraviti nego što se čini.
Za početak valja napraviti domaće njoke, koji se rade od pirea od bundeve, brašna i jajeta. Cijeli recept s točnim mjerama pronađite ovdje, a od sastojaka će vam biti potrebno:
Prvo napravite pire od bundeve - bundevu prerežite na pola, uklonite koštice pa zajedno s korom narežite na kriške, prebacite na lim za pečenje, prelijte s malo maslinovog ulja i posolite. Pecite na 200 stupnjeva 20 minuta ili dok ne omekša, a zatim pričekajte da se ohladi, ogulite koru i s pomoću vilice ili štapnog miksera usitnite do kremaste teksture.
Nakon što ste napravili pire, dodajte mu jaje i postepeno dodajte brašno. Rukama umijesite mekano tijesto, a ako primijetite da se tijesto lijepi, dodajte još malo brašna. Nakon što ste umijesili tijesto, vrijeme je za najzabavniji dio - formiranje njoka u obliku malih bundeva.
@joyfulhomecooking Pumpkin-Shaped Gnocchi For Pumpkin Gnocchi: •1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour •1 large russet potato, peeled and cut into large chunks •1 cup pumpkin puree •1 tsp salt •1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg (Optional) For Pumpkin Sauce: •1 tbsp unsalted butter •1 medium onion, finely chopped •5 to 6 garlic cloves, chopped •3/4 cup milk •1/2 cup heavy cream •3 tbsp pumpkin purée •1/4 cup Parmesan cheese •Pinch of salt •1/8 teaspoon black pepper Method: 1.Place potatoes in a medium pot, cover with 1 inch of water, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, simmer for 20-30 minutes until easily pierced with a fork. Drain, reserving 1/4 cup starchy water, and let cool to room temperature. 2.Mash potatoes finely using a potato masher. Measure 3/4 cup packed potatoes, saving the rest for later. 3.On a clean surface, mix mashed potatoes with all-purpose flour, pumpkin, and salt. Knead until a soft, slightly sticky dough forms. Add flour or reserved starchy water as needed. 4.Once smooth, knead dough briefly. Shape into a 1/2 to 1-inch tall rectangle, cut horizontally into slices, roll each into a 1/2” diameter rope, and cut into gnocchi. You can also shape the gnocchi into pumpkin shapes using a knife if desired. 5.Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. When the pot of water boils, add gnocchi and stir to prevent sticking. Boil until they float, then let sit for 30 seconds. Using a slotted spoon, transfer cooked gnocchi to the skillet and crisp in the sauce for a few minutes. Pumpkin sauce In a medium skillet over medium heat, melt butter. Add onion, cook until translucent, then add garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add milk, cooking cream, Parmesan cheese, salt, pumpkin purée, and black pepper and let it cook . Place the pumpkin gnocchi into the sauce and serve! #fallrecipes #pumpkin #gnocchi ♬ Beethoven Moonlight Sonata-High Sound Quality - Amemiya
Tijesto formirajte u valjak, a zatim u male kuglice koje ćete lagano zarezati nožem kako bi poprimile oblik bundeve. Na vrh svakog njoka stavite po jednu oljuštenu sjemenku bundeve, a zatim ih kuhajte u posoljenoj vodi dok ne isplivaju na površinu. Poslužite ih s umakom po izboru i - to je to!