NEKE fotke su snimljene iz takve perspektive ili uhvaćene u trenutku tako da se na prvi pogled može činiti da se vaše oči igraju s vama.
Ekipa s Brightsidea skupila je fotke neočekivanih optičkih iluzija u koje ćete se morati malo bolje zagledati kako biste shvatili što je točno prikazano.
This rock that looks like a sock. from r/mildlyinteresting
I stood in the reflection of the backyard glass window opposite my thongs and it looks like my ghost is wearing them! from r/mildlyinteresting
At first I thought my friend's dog's nostril was his eye from r/confusing_perspective
Who’s holding who? from r/confusing_perspective
Flying roof from r/confusing_perspective
Camouflage leggings doing their job from r/confusing_perspective
An iPhone screw next to a peanut that looks like a potato for some reason from r/confusing_perspective
Mantis stealing a Domino's sign from r/confusing_perspective
My dog likes to sit here, but he isn't right now from r/confusing_perspective
Tiny horses on a fence from r/confusing_perspective
hmmm from r/hmmm
My dog was assembled improperly 🤔 from r/confusing_perspective