Foto: Press
"MIŽERJA" Klape s mora već se proširila domaćim eterom, a ovogodišnja hrvatska predstavnica na Eurosongu u Švedskoj, dobila je i englesku verziju koja nosi naziv "Hard Times".
Riječ je o engleskoj inačici pjesme 'Mižerja', autora Gorana Topalovca, a klapa je za tu priliku dobila i engleski naziv - The Klapa from the Sea.
Nažalost, u ovom trenutku na internetu je dostupna samo hrvatska verzija uz tekst engleske verzije, ali to će nas donekle pripremiti za ono što bi se uskoro trebalo pjevati u 20 zemalja u kojima će se Klapa s mora predstaviti u sklopu promotivne turneje.
I have no gold
To adorn your lovely form –
Only these two arms of mine
To embrace and keep you warm.
Oh, these hard times are stony and raw, now.
Oh, these hard times! The wine flows no more now.
I have only what I trust in:
A faithful heart of purest love.
Oh, these hard times are stony and raw, now.
Oh, these hard times! The wine flows no more now.
I have only what I trust in:
A faithful heart of purest love.
Oh, my rose so lovely,
All my life I’ll care,
And my final crust of bread
With you I’ll gladly share.
Oh, these hard times are stony and raw, now.
Oh, these hard times! The wine flows no more now.
I have only what I trust in:
A faithful heart of purest love.
(instrumental break)
Oh, these hard times are stony and raw, now.
Oh, these hard times, these hard times!
Such hard times!
Oh, these hard times are stony and raw, now.
Oh, these hard times! The wine flows no more now.
I have only what I trust in:
A faithful heart of purest love.
Yes, I have only what I trust in:
A faithful heart of purest love.
Such hard times!