Fewer Covid-19 infections in BiH, not one new case in Sarajevo

Photo: Hina

THERE were significantly fewer daily new Covid-19 cases in the past 24 hours in Bosnia and Herzegovina compared to the past few weeks and the clinical centre laboratory in Sarajevo, which was a hotspot for infections recently, said on Monday that it had not registered any new case in the last 24 hours. 

According to local authorities, in the past 24 hours there were a total of 102 new cases of infection with this novel virus.

Since the middle of last week the daily number of new infections has been halved. Until then there had been more than 300 a day and on some days that number was as high as 400.

The biggest hotspot was in the capital city and the head of the public health institute in Sarajevo Aida Pilav said on Monday that it was encouraging to see a downturn trend in the period from August 14 to 16, when only 12 new cases were recorded.

"The numbers are still far from ideal but if this trend continues they will be even better. That tells us that residents have adopted health measures and recommendations and it is up to us to continue maintaining that," said Pilav as carried by the Klix web portal.

Health authorities have attributed the hundreds of new cases of the infection in Sarajevo Canton to the recent Qurban Bayram celebrations at the end of July when large family gatherings are usually held.

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