Djelatnici trgovine nisu mogli vjerovati kada su shvatili tko im krade čokolade

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MALA trgovina u Sussexu u Engleskoj nedavno se našla na meti lopova. Drski kradljivac otuđio je čokoladu, a kako bi uhvatili krivca, djelatnici trgovine odlučili su pregledati snimke nadzorne kamere.

U videu koji je lokalna organizacija za rehabilitaciju lisica Fox Guardians objavila na Facebooku možemo vidjeti da je za sve kriva - lisica.

Fox in corner shop

EDIT: "This fox is doing well, even though it may have eaten some chocolate. It has seen in my friends garden muktiple times." 🙏 In a Sussex corner shop a fox is putting into practice what he learned from the resident seagulls. Foxes are not "sly thieves" but just intelligent and resourceful opportunists. After all they don't carry cash and aren't even aware they should "pay" for an item.😜 The fox took a bar of milk chocolate. We hope he did not eat it all and is OK. 🦊❤️ The shop keeper was not angry about the fox's behaviour and local residents commented on the intelligence of the fox. Public perception of foxes is shifting towards a better understanding of these clever creatures which is exactly what our work is all about! 💞🐾

Objavljuje Fox Guardians u Petak, 13. listopada 2023.

Životinja je ušetala u trgovinu, pogledala oko sebe, a onda s police sa slatkišima zgrabila čokoladu i neprimjetno izašla na ulicu. Iz organizacije Fox Guardians kažu da sumnjaju na to da je životinja takvo ponašanje možda naučila promatrajući galebove u gradu. 

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