FOTO 19 ljudi koji nisu shvaćali koliko su atraktivni dok nisu poradili na sebi

Foto: Imgur

IAKO ljepota nije najvažnija stvar, mnogi postaju depresivni kad im se ne sviđa ono što vide u odrazu ogledala. Ljudi sa sljedećih fotografija bili su u toj situaciji i neće se ponovno naći u njoj, piše Bright Side te donosi galeriju u kojoj je za neke fotografije teško povjerovati da prikazuju iste ljude.

1. "Trebale su mi dvije godine i tri mjeseca da dođem u formu" (gotovo 60 kilograma manje)

Female/21/5'5 (255 lbs > 125 lbs = 130 lbs loss) I hit my ultimate weight goal this week. Doing a size 2 happy dance!

2. Listajte desno


3. Četiri godine razlike

4 years between the photos. Used to really dislike how I looked but slowly and bit by bit I started to treat myself a lil nicer, didn't realize the difference till I saw it like this. from r/uglyduckling

4. S 19 i s 21

19 to 21 😬 from r/uglyduckling

5. Nevjerojatna razlika najbolje se vidi na posljednjoj fotografiji

Weightloss stuff

6. Deset godina razlike

Apolecia, 16 - 26

7. "Oporavak još u tijeku"

60lbs to 90lbs, Recovery still in progress.

8. Vježbanje čini čuda

17 to 19 in 6 seconds

9. Čuda

"(F, 30, 5'10", 444 > 190) I need to get serious about losing the rest in 2016" by pagirl023 in progresspics

10. Nekad je dovoljan makeover


11. 2,5 godina

M/27/6’0 [330lbs > 165lbs = 165lbs] (2 years, 6 months) Undoing 20 years of McDonald’s and Cherry Coke. from r/progresspics

12. 15 mjeseci

F/21/5’8 [309lbs > 159lbs = 150lbs lost] 15 months - My final post to this sub! Face gains! I’ve decided to stop actively trying to lose weight now and focus on maintaining after being told by the doctor that I’m healthy all round! It’s so nice to have my jawline back FINALLY ❤️ from r/progresspics

13. Evo što se može u deset mjeseci

100 pounds down since January 28th

14. A tek u četiri godine

16 to 20. What a difference 4 years make from r/uglyduckling

15. Ustrajnost je sve

F/38/5'7" [408 > 188 = 220] (25 Months, Varied) Found a TRUE Before Pic, Face Gains, Mission Goal Weight in 2018 from r/progresspics

16. Dvadeset mjeseci

F/22/5'5 [160-125lbs = 35lbs] (20 monthss) 1 year to lose the weight, 1 year of maintenance. Same phone and headphones! from r/progresspics

17. Napredak (listajte desno)


18. Promjena


19. "Ne izgleda više kao ista osoba"

My boyfriend doesn't even look like the same person (16 to 21)
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