18 milijuna pregleda: Prvi smijeh bebe rasplakao mamu, pogledajte dirljiv video

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Prvi smijeh djeteta nezaboravan je trenutak za roditelje. To je dokazao i video koji je nedavno postao viralan na TikToku. Tata Taylor Dudley snimio je reakciju svoje supruge Kaylee na prvi smijeh njihove kćeri Elliott.

Kaylee se u tom trenutku igrala s kćeri, a zatim je brzo pozvala Taylora da čuje prvi smijeh njihove djevojčice. On je tada uhvatio ovaj dirljiv trenutak mame i kćeri. Video je objavljen prije dva dana i već je skupio 18.9 milijuna pregleda te više od 4.2 milijuna lajkova.

@kayandtayofficial I will cherish this moment forever! 🥹❤️ backstory ::: Kay and I have spent the last 3 months with our baby, Elliott. We have been through so many moments together, and the whole journey has been amazing. Ellie is the happiest, smiliest baby that I’ve ever seen and we feel so blessed to have her in our life. She has been hitting a lot of milestones lately, like holding things, holding herself up during tummy time, and so much more. One thing she has been trying to do is laugh. She’s been able to squeeze out a little hiccup sounding laugh for a little while, but we’ve never heard a true laugh. Until now! Kay was playing with Ellie and saw that she was super smiley and happy and thought that she might laugh. She called me over and was playing peekaboo. At first Ellie was just smiling along with the game, but she soon got into it. She started laughing the biggest laughs that we’ve ever heard her do! Our excited emotions filled the room every time she laughed. It was such an amazing experience to see and I’m so glad I was able to capture it. I will look back at this moment fondly forever. I am still astonished at how blessed we were to get a happy baby like Ellie. I can’t wait to see what future milestones she hits! At some point she will be talking! 😳 I’m so excited to hear what her voice sounds like! ❤️ #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #pregnant #postpartum ♬ original sound - ✨Kay and Tay✨

Osim što je smijeh djevojčice očarao mamu i tatu, oduševio je i milijune korisnika TikToka. Jedna osoba napisala je: "Elliottin smijeh je presladak!"

Druga je komentirala: "Vi ste odlični roditelji, a Ellie je preslatka."

Treća je otkrila: "Ovo je preslatko, a Ellie izgleda kao lutkica!"

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