Stručnjakinja za kinesku medicinu, Nina Cheng, otkrila je koliko često bismo trebali imati spolne odnose s obzirom na godine kako bismo bili što zdraviji i izbjegli emocionalni stres.
"Jeste li znali da se premalo seksa u tradicionalnoj kineskoj medicini smatra uzrokom bolesti? Iako tradicionalna kineska medicina često naglašava potencijalne dugoročne učinke pretjerane seksualne aktivnosti, mnogi ne shvaćaju da se i nedovoljno seksa smatra problemom", pojasnila je Cheng u jednom od videa koje je objavila na TikToku.
Prema Cheng, drevni kineski liječnici vjerovali su da žene imaju veću vjerojatnost doživjeti seksualnu frustraciju jer im nije dopušteno seksualno se izražavati kao muškarcima.
"Ako ste u dvadesetima, trebali biste se seksati svaka četiri dana, dok bi ljudi u tridesetima trebali ciljati da to bude svakih osam dana", istaknula je.
@easternphilosophy While traditional Chinese medicine often stresses the potential long-term effects of excessive sexual activity, many do not realize that insufficient sex is also considered a cause of disease in Chinese medicine 👀 As noted by the late TCM doctor, Giovanni Maciocia, "Insufficient sex is often a cause of disease akin to emotional stress, especially in Western women." Ancient Chinese physicians believed that women were more likely to experience greater sexual frustration since they were subject to different societal norms and may not have felt as permitted to express themselves sexually compared to men. Special care was thus provided to ease the additional social and emotional challenges of women, which sometimes even included what we would now call psychotherapy—referred to in classical Chinese medicine as talking cures. The 2,000 year-old sexology text, Su Nu Jing, provided recommendations on frequency of orgasm according to age: 20 year-old: Every 4 days 30 year-old: Every 8 days 40 year-old: Every 16 days 50 year-old: Every 21 days 60 year-old: Every 30 days Chinese medicine links strong libido to abundant Minister Fire, with orgasm releasing beneficial Yang energy, enhancing Qi flow. This activity affects the mind and particularly impacts the Heart and Pericardium. These herbal remedies we carry can aid in supporting better reproductive health, ease genital discomfort, boost libido, and improve sexual performance: • Fu Yin Tai: an all-herbal soak to relieve genital itching and dry dampness • Baifeng Wan / Bak Foong: a top women’s health formula which can help balance hormones, regulate periods, relieve cramps, and address ‘cold uterus’ often linked to infertility • Suifan’s "China Brush": a hundred year-old bestselling all-herbal formula to address premature ejaculation • Vitality Plus: Combines Cordyceps with Tongkat Ali, Horny Goat Weed, and Maca to support men’s vitality and increase testosterone • American Ginseng Tea: Enhances libido and sexual function, leveraging ginseng‘s effects on erectile dysfunction and overall sexual health . . #holistichealth #chinesemedicine #herbalmedicine #womenshealth #sexualhealth #valentines #learnontiktok ♬ Get Down - CLAVVS & Chico Mann
Kako starimo, vrijeme između orgazama udvostručuje se. Dakle, u četrdesetima bismo se trebali seksati svakih 16 dana, dok bi oni u pedesetima trebali imati seksualne aktivnosti svaki 21 dan. Na kraju, u šezdesetima bismo trebali biti intimni svakih 30 dana, tvrdi Cheng.