Video pasa iz skloništa dirnuo ljude, pogledajte koliko su sretni kad se igraju vani

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IZ UDRUGE Humane Society Broward County na TikToku su podijelili video nekoliko pasa koje su izveli van na igru. Posebno je dirljivo vidjeti oduševljenje i sreću životinja kada su se mogle slobodno kretati i igrati vani.

Djelatnici skloništa odveli su pse u park, do obližnjeg jezera, dali im igračke, bacali su im loptice te im priuštili pravi dan za pamćenje. Baš onakav kakav ovi psi zaslužuju svaki dan. 

Video je oduševio i raznježio ljude u komentarima, a mogao bi i vas kada vidite koliko su sretni. 

@humanebroward We took these playful pups to the park to prepare them for the 34th Annual VCA Walk for the Animals in time! A big thank you to one of our proud Walk sponsors, Subaru of Pembroke Pines , for the super-cute toy that Elektra, Kaizer, Charles, Bella, Sombritas, and Rambo all took turns playing with. All these precious animals are available for adoption and would love to find their forever family in time to Walk with you this year! We are just three weeks away from our biggest fundraising event on Saturday, February 3rd, at Las Olas Intracoastal Promenade Park in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 🏝️ All proceeds will benefit the homeless pets at the Humane Society of Broward County. There will be food, music, tons of swag, and, of course, dogs!! 🦮🐩🐕‍🦺 🤩 You can register for FREE at ⬅️ The link is in our bio. Even if you do not live in Florida, you can still register for the Walk and help fundraise for our animals 🙏❤️ When you support our VCA Walk for the Animals fundraiser, you are helping animals like these pups receive proper care and find a loving home. To meet any of these amazing animals, please fill out a pre-adoption application at and stop by. The shelter is located at 2070 Griffin Road, Fort Lauderdale and opens daily at 11 AM. If you have any questions call 954-989-3977 ext. 6. #Florida #fortlauderdale #browardcounty #rescuedog #shelterdog #adoptme #adoptdontshop #humanebroward #fortlauderdale #dogrescue #doglovers #dogshelter #dog #dogsofinstagram #rescue #dogs #puppy #kitten #cat #animals #animalrescue #animalshelter #pets #walkfortheanimals #walk4theanimals2024 ♬ original sound - Humane Society Broward County

"Nadam se da će svi pronaći dobre domove", "Izgledaju tako sretno", "Predivni su", "Hvala vam za sve što činite za ove pse", "Kakve slatke i sretne šapice" – neki su od komentara ispod videa. 

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