Foreigners talking about some strange things that Croats do
A LIST of 25 strange things that only Croats do was posted on the Royal Croatian Tours website. The 25 observations were written by foreigners and people whose ancestors are from Croatia, and who noticed some strange things during their visits to Croatia. The list includes many things from everyday life in Croatia:
1. Croats never sit on concrete. There must be at least one sheet of paper or a newspaper between them and the concrete.
2. Croats always wear an undershirt to protect their kidneys.
3. Croats are careful not to expose their lower backs - also because of kidneys.
4. Croats always wear slippers. They don't believe that socks can protect them enough against illnesses, and walking barefoot on cold tiles is tantamount to a death sentence.
5. Croats are extremely afraid of the draft and do everything in their power to prevent it.
6. Croats swear a lot. Not just young people, but also old ladies who have forgotten to pick something up at the store.
7. Soup is not a meal to Croats, but just the beginning of one. Never ever does a Croat eat soup as a stand-alone dish.
8. During the week, they have to eat something "with a spoon," for example, stew because they firmly believe that would keep them healthy.
9. They pick their teeth with a toothpick. Every single one of them. Including children and the elderly.
10. Everyone, even men, blow-dries their hair even though it's not cold in Croatia.
11. Croats believe they will get sick if they go out right after they've washed their hair. Hair must be blow-dried, and air-drying their hair is allowed only on the hottest summer days.
12. Everyone carries tissues around. It's not allowed to leave the house without a pack of tissues, even if you don't have a cold.
13. A vegetarian meal in Croatia translates to a meal without actual pieces of meat. When they're making a dish, for example, greens, they always have to put a piece of bacon in the pot to give it flavor.
14. Women wear pantyhose under their pants. They wear them in winter, even though temperatures in Croatia rarely go below zero, and it's nowhere near as cold as, for example, in Canada.
15. Rakija cures everything. You have a cut? Pour rakija on it to disinfect it! You have a fever? Soak your hands and feet in rakija! Your throat hurts? Drink some rakija, it will kill the bacteria.
16. Lard also cures everything. They even use it to alleviate bronchitis. They put a cloth soaked in lard on their chests and believe it will help them.
17. Men in Croatia adore their fanny packs.
18. All chairs must have a seat cushion.
19. Vegeta is something that Croats put in every dish. If you don't put Vegeta in everything, you are not a Croat.
20. Croatian women never leave their purses on the floor because leaving your purse on the floor means you won't have money.
21. Croats hate južina, the warm wind from the south. It makes them grumpy.
22. Croats never turn on their air conditioners, not even when it is 30 degrees Celsius outside because everything in their body immediately starts to ache. I don't know why they even have them.
23. Croats send everything by bus, even meat. Even whole lambs can be sent by bus, and all the recipient of the package has to do is to wait for the bus to arrive.
24. Croats love to roast lamb on a spit. They do it for every occasion - from weddings to bachelor parties. It's not a celebration if they haven't roasted a whole animal.
25. Croats produce one of the best olive oils in the world. And they keep it in bottles of Coke and Fanta.

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