This photo from Croatia was a hit on Reddit for an astounding reason

"I COUNTED at least eight layers of color in the water from a beach in Croatia," wrote Reddit user Boing333 next to a photo which, in just a few hours, became one of the most popular photos on the site.
Eight hours after it was posted, it became the fifth most popular photo of the day.
I counted at least 8 layers of color in the water from a beach in Croatia from r/pics
One of the reasons why the photo from the Zlatni Rat Beach became popular is the discussion it launched. As it happens, not everyone sees eight colors in the water. Some have written that they see fewer of them, while others claim that there are at least twelve. One user decided to study the photo in more detail and came up with some astonishing information.
"I placed your image into a color spectrum analysis piece of software we have at work (art department at a school). It recognized 1176 different shades within the water," he wrote.
"That's amazing. Guess I should change the title," replied Boing333, who, according to his earlier posts, comes from Florida.
The discussion moved away from photography for a while, and some tips for visiting Croatia were exchanged.
"I've heard Croatia is quite beautiful. Can I ask a question? I thought I heard that one of the former Yugoslavian nations still struggled with land mines and you had to be smart before doing hiking in certain areas. Is this true of Croatia?" one American asked. Some explained that the areas with land mines are clearly marked, while others thought what he had heard was only true for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Some wondered whether Boing333 would recommend Croatia as a honeymoon destination.
"Pros, beautiful. Cons, insanely crowded at all the popular spots," he wrote.

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