UK to divide the countries by color, Croatia among the safest travel destinations?

THE UK WILL dismiss a 14-day quarantine for the people arriving from countries with a low risk of infection and the spread of COVID-19, the British government announced on Friday.
Official recommendations against all but essential travel outside the UK will also be eased for some countries and regions.
Those changes will make it easier for Britons to travel abroad for summer vacation.
An expert panel will rank countries into three categories based on infection levels - green, amber, and red. The travelers coming from green and amber countries won't have to self-isolate for 14 days after their arrival.
"Our new risk-assessment system will enable us to carefully open a number of safe travel routes around the world," a government spokeswoman said. "But we will not hesitate to put on the brakes if any risks re-emerge," the government's spokeswoman said.
The rules for red-category countries won't change.
Croatia to be announced as a low-risk country?
Quarantine measures, implemented from June 8, came under fierce criticism from airline companies, ports, and food and beverage sectors because they think it discourages travelers from international travel in the period that should have recovered the tourism season.
The categories are to be introduced next week, and the changes are to be put into effect the week later. They will be based on factors that include the spreading of COVID-19, the disease trajectory, and data reliability.
Great Britain announced that it would likely discuss it with France, Greece, and Spain.
The British Ministry of Foreign Affairs will next week announce the countries where public health risk is not considered to be unacceptably high.
According to the Daily Mail, Croatia will be marked in green, along with Austria, Greece, and Germany.

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