Automehaničari podijelili fotke najčudnijih stvari s kojima su se susreli na poslu

AKO UBROJITE i one najsitnije, prosječan automobil ima oko 30 tisuća dijelova, a ako bilo koji od njih ne radi kako treba, to nam može prouzrokovati brojne nevolje u vožnji. U tom slučaju uskaču automehaničari.
No, zahvaljujući neznanju ili nebrizi, auta do njih često dođu u jako lošem stanju, a ponekad otkriju i nešto neočekivano.
Netko je na Redditu pitao automehaničare da pokažu najčudnije stvari s kojima su se susreli na poslu i oni su odgovorili.
Ispod haube
Hood opens. Hood is layed down immediately. Tech exclaims "Oh HELL NO." from r/Justrolledintotheshop
Mušterija me pitala kad će auto biti gotov da može ući sa svojim rakunom.
Customer: "Let me know when you are about to pull my truck in so I can get my raccoon" and he sat in the lobby with a raccoon until his truck was done. from r/Justrolledintotheshop
Vozač je rekao da pokušava dostići milijun prijeđenih kilometara. Godinama sam čekao ovaj dan.
Customer has been coming since 200k miles, said he'd get to 1 million. I've been waiting for that day for years, today he casually rolled up and asked to plug his tire, needless to say best tire plug ever. from r/Justrolledintotheshop
Ne kradem, ali njih sam htio ukrasti.
I dont condone stealing... but man I want to from r/Justrolledintotheshop
Koje su šanse da jedna jedina djetelina s četiri lista ovdje izraste?
The odds of a single 4 leaf clover rooting into a fender line.. from r/Justrolledintotheshop
Papučica gasa zapinje za pod, povuci da je vratiš natrag.
Accerlator gets stuck to floor. Pull on string to unstick.
Odbio je da mu zamijenimo gume, a padala je kiša. Morao je potpisati da odlazi s ovakvim gumama na vlastitu odgovornost.
Customer refused all 4 tires on a rainy day, she also had to sign a waiver before releasing the car. from r/Justrolledintotheshop
Radim u rent a caru. Ovaj auto nam je vratila policija.
I work at a rental company and the police brought this back... from r/Justrolledintotheshop
Stakla otporna na metke.
Private security tahoe with 1” bulletproof glass. The rest of the vehicle is just as heavily armored. from r/Justrolledintotheshop
Ovakvim se autom dovezao u radionicu.
Guy drove in like this. Another reason why we are essential. from r/Justrolledintotheshop

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