Slovenian govt spokesman: We're thinking about demoting Croatia to red list

THERE is more and more speculation in Slovenia about putting Croatia on the red list of epidemiologically unsafe countries due to the resurgence of COVID cases, and the government's spokesman Jelko Kacin hinted at that possibility on Wednesday night.
Kacin told the POP-TV commercial broadcaster that due to an increasing number of imported COVID-19 infections from Croatia, Slovenia was thinking of placing this eastern neighbour on to the red list.
However, the spokesman declined to specify when that may occur precisely.
Slovenia is closely following the developments in Croatia, Kacin said, adding that he was not happy to see that Croatia is going to implement new measures aimed at curbing the infection only after 20 August, once the peak tourist season ends.
In the event that Croatia is placed on the red list, travellers arriving from Croatia to Slovenia will be required to self-isolate for 14 days.

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