Djokovic discussing the topics he knows nothing about

SERBIAN tennis player Novak Djokovic went live on Instagram twenty days ago with his friends Janko Tipsarevic, Nenad Zimonjic, Dusan Lajovic, Filip Krajinovic, Viktor Troick, Marko Pantelic, Aleksandar Atanasijevic, and Dusan Borkovic. The topic was coronavirus.
"There is a difference, we are in a lockdown, but people who were previously infected were not in quarantine like we are now. We didn't have a pandemic and didn't enforce the strict lockdown. Things won't stay the same, and we are not sure when we are going back to our normal lives. The lockdown continues and maybe will last even more. We will make the most of this period to truly think about our approach to our careers, professional lives… which entails a lot of traveling for tennis players. I think it will be our main challenge, absolutely", said Djokovic and continued:
"All the panic that has been spreading during the last few months not to approach other people… It will be deeply imprinted in people's subconsciousness once they start traveling. When someone coughs at the airport, we will immediately ask ourselves if we are infected or if that someone else is infected. The sport will not be the same, things will change, but we still don't know in what way. Traveling will be the main obstacle for people."
The statement that kicked off a storm in public
After that, his statement caused the outrage of the public, but also his numerous tennis colleagues. Many considered it dangerous and asked him to take back his words.
"Personally, I'm opposed to vaccination, and I would not like somebody to force me to take a vaccine to be able to travel. But if it becomes a law, what will happen? I have my thoughts about the matter, I don't know if these thoughts are going to change at some point, but it directly affects my job", Djokovic said, and from that moment he only gives statements about subjects he is not competent in.
Comments evoked a response from epidemiologists
Djokovic's stance alarmed the most famous Serbian epidemiologist Predrag Kon, who decided to speak up because of the well-known fact that he is Djokovic's big fan.
"As one of his most avid fans, I wish I had a chance to point out to him the importance of boosting the immune system for the sake of citizens' health. Now it seems a little bit late for that because he already holds wrong views and that's beyond help. Maestro, I wish you all the best. In the future, try to avoid direct answers to questions about vaccinations as you have an enormous influence", wrote Kon on his Facebook page.
Jelena Djokovic also believes in conspiracy theories
Djokovic's wife, Jelena, shared a video on social media, suggesting that the 5G network is related to coronavirus.
"So many videos have been shared for days, different theories about the cause of the coronavirus, methods of treatment, prevention… Here's one video I got a few days ago. Watch it if you have the time. I am really interested in your opinion. Write your comments", said Jelena, but bringing out unfounded conspiracy theories didn't go well with her followers, so she received many negative comments.
Djokovic's comments caught Americans' attention
His initial statement was widely publicized across the world, so the New York Times contacted the world's No.1 to elaborate on his view.
"I am not an expert, but I want to have the option to choose what is best for my body. I will continue to explore this important subject that is affecting us all. To be honest, I am a bit confused, just like the rest of the world. Although I have access to information, I'm faced with a dilemma about the best thing to do in this situation," said Djokovic.
Retired American tennis player and former No. 1, Andy Roddick spoke up shortly after and commented on Djokovic's statement, obviously not agreeing with it.
"I don't have to agree with someone's belief system to respect the fact that they have it. The bottom line is not whether or not he believes in vaccinations, it's what is the safest to bring tennis to the forefront on a global stage. So, I don't have to agree with Novak's stance. He knows he has a decision to make. I'll be curious to see how deep his belief system runs if he's gonna sit out Grand Slams because he doesn't want to take a vaccination shot", said Roddick.
Rambled about water
The last Djokovic's journey to the unknown happened today. Again he held a live Instagram session, this time accompanied by Chervin Jafarieh, a former broker who nowadays grows suspicious vegan and non-GMO food not approved by any food inspection organization in the USA.
"It's the connection that you are talking about, the innate connection, and really being present and being conscious of the moment that you are drinking water." I saw people, and I know people that, through energetical transformation, through the power of prayer, through the power of gratitude, they managed to turn the most toxic food and the most polluted water into the most healing water. Water reacts, and scientists have proven that water molecules react to our emotions, to what has been said", said Djokovic and added:
"I truly believe that we should continuously, every single day remind ourselves that when we sit, that we sit without cameras, without phones. Or even worse, to having nervous conflicting discussions at the table with your close ones during your meal."
Djokovic called to take back the statements
More than 550,000 people watched the video, and former tennis player Mary Carillo thinks that Djokovic should show more responsibility in his public statements.
"I know that he believes in meditation, prayer, he hated the fact that he had to undergo elbow surgery, which he postponed because he truly believed he could heal his body. I'm very disturbed that Djokovic and the other guy are saying you can change toxic water to drinking water. This is dangerous stuff that many people have seen. I hope he will take back the statement", said Carillo.

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