Gorica players were the first HNL players to kneel: "Together against racism."

PROTESTERS across the US are expressing their dissatisfaction regarding the death of unarmed George Floyd after a police officer strangled him.
The officer was kneeling on Floyd's neck for more than eight minutes, while the 44-year-old Floyd was helplessly asking him to stop because he could not breathe. The officer's three colleagues were standing on the side.
Numerous well-known athletes spoke against racism in their posts on social media, and HNK Gorica was the first HNL club to join with a message of support.
"Together against racism. Together for equality," reads the announcement of the Croatian first league club with a photo of all the players and professional staff gathered in a circle in the center of the field.
Gorica players were photographed in a kneeling position, a position popularized a few years ago by the American football player Colin Kaepernick, who also protested against police brutality against black people.

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