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GAMEBOY, Walkman, VHS, mobiteli na preklop, igraće konzole, disketa, ručica za spuštanje prozora u automobilu... Znate li o čemu pričamo?
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Koliko ovih predmeta prepoznajete?
Look what I just found in a history museum. Feel old yet? pic.twitter.com/cAtgpMY6KH
— Meso Da Chi (@FoxYote) September 4, 2017
this museum has my first cell phone, 2004 RAZR. I'm old! Yikes pic.twitter.com/sm8ls1Slo9
— Jeff Jones (@spjeff) March 6, 2016
Today, one of the kids I babysit asked me "what is this lever for" and I had to explain it rolls the windows up and down. Yes, I do feel old pic.twitter.com/huKMqR8EoH
— Stephanie Lentz (@StephanieLentz) June 19, 2017
Some little kid just came up to me on the train & asked me what this is. My heart shatters for children everywhere pic.twitter.com/IPjE5a8Ml6
— Roob Himself (@RoobMacchia) November 7, 2015
My 18 year old brother just asked me what this is pic.twitter.com/lan8Axo9xh
— the Sweatpants ninja (@NinjaSweatpants) June 25, 2014
saw this at my little brothers book fair today and this makes me feel old😕 pic.twitter.com/PPHjXnsvPS
— mo money 🌚 (@LilViss_) November 17, 2015
good old times will never come back ... See the pic and the comment from Gen Y: "Wow, you 3D-printed the "save" icon. That´s cool!" ;) pic.twitter.com/iOcdR0nrHv
— Silvia Hurnaus (@SilviaHurnaus) October 27, 2017
Hannah's little sister just asked me what this is... Wow I feel old 👵 pic.twitter.com/YZGmKkbWXw
— Mo O'Leary (@momoney2369) February 16, 2015
We are now at the point where a generation 4- 4! iPod is in a museum exhibit. I feel old. pic.twitter.com/p7QBsr8YYO
— Olivia Noble (@oliviacnoble) August 2, 2014
I asked my little brother what this was and he said a "DVD".. dam that made me feel old pic.twitter.com/RKgsq5yRYO
— Anthony Bordenca (@BdanksAnthony) February 15, 2017
A Bug's Life is now in a museum. How old do you feel? pic.twitter.com/v3kzDI1DR8
— Nick Caville (@caville) April 30, 2016
Q. How old does it make you feel when you see games consoles you've owned in a museum? A. Really old. pic.twitter.com/fPnGPJtWcT
— Game Sketch (@gamesketchuk) October 27, 2017
Want to feel old? Gameboy is in a museum. pic.twitter.com/CL2Y6wRCH3
— Chris Spyrou (@chrisspyrou) April 24, 2015
Aaaaand a large part of my childhood is in a museum. Well then! (I still have one of these babies!) #gameboy #nintendo #80s #90s #videogames pic.twitter.com/98NYpw4rQa
— Bradon Long (@bradonlongwx) January 16, 2017
Kept in a glass case. In sony's museum. Do you feel old yet? Huh? pic.twitter.com/9QFpzLhVzB
— trying out blogging for now - fewer tweets for now (@BasicNewbie) February 3, 2017
MW2 better RT @charlieINTEL: 10 years ago today, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was released. pic.twitter.com/vT5ZP8laUt
— r🎈 (@MarcoReuyce) November 5, 2017
You know you're getting old when the #N64 is being showcased in a bloody museum!!!#RetroGames pic.twitter.com/KED7M8dVbn
— Retro Games (@OnlyRetroGames) November 13, 2017

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